Yating Hu

(graphic designer & illustrator)

(graphic Design projects)

(illustration projects)

(graphic experimentations)

Express Hotel

What we can do with an elevator during its free use hour?
In this experimental project
I decided to make it a super low cost love hotel.
Named EH (Express Hotel), where couples of people can have sex quickly with a good and cheap price. The objective is to have a close and private space to do it, instead doing it abroad. Only in Sundays 1a.m. to 5 a.m. (Saturday night), the price is 3€/10min. It's not allowed reservations, the order of arriving decides the usage order.IT'S OBLIGATORY THE USAGE OF CONDOMS

1. Condom box: for people who's not prepared, it contains toilet paper too.2. Folding chair: for different sexual poses3. Trash basket: for paper and condoms

1. Condom box: for people who's not prepared, it contains toilet paper too. 2. Folding chair: for different sexual poses 3. Trash basket: for paper and condoms

My First Period

Girls in puberty needs more information about the changes of their body, we can make them more courageous facing this situation: the moment that their body starts to maturing when they still be little girls.They are nervous and insecure for new experiences about their body, something is changing, they know what's about to be an adult but at the same time they are confused, this is an age that they can still be a child or, like some girls, they're attempting to be an adult imitating them.We have to put them on the context, for no surprise, no embarrassment and no discomfort.

Ideal Life

Redesingning an music album:
理想人生 (ideal life) by Lala Ying
The first little project that opened my door to lettering.My intention was mix, in this case a chinese and occidental letteting style.

En un punto peculiar

Recopilation of graphic pieces in my room


Stamping exercise, using just one button, acrylic and old clothes. I've never imagined sewing, until I cut my trousers to transform it to shorts.One of my white shirt has paint stain, so I recicled it to do this stamping exersice. This project will be continued...Special thanks to:
Xavier Biel
Alex Verdú (photographer)

The Hybrids

Can you imagine the impact in my mind having to study in a group of people where you sent out for your exotic physique and your incapacity to be able to communicate with others?This project consists in expressing the situation of being between two different cultures, but not only the chinese and spanish cultureTherefor I have interviewed 10 people with this same hybrid condition. Thanks to this I have found interesting concepts and vocabulary, that I was able to use as material for graphic experimentation.This experimentation consists in three parts:

The Nexus,

in this part I refer to situations where I consider myself to he the bridge of communication between two cultures.

Double perception,

I am always living a double reality,
I see, hear and perceive things
from two different perspectives.

A Peculiar Language,

with this being my specific case,
has brought to a instinctive
experimentation of texts to be
able to to create my own
language, something unique.


(identity delete association)

You can die when you are stil alive.
I.d.a. is a public utility company which theis mission is to organize a 'funeral' of yours identity. We are responsible for doing the paperwork to delete deceased's identify.
Context:We are in XXII century.Humanity has been brutally progressing in last 100 years.The average of life expectancy is about 90 years old, the level of mortality is very low, it has not poverty, hungerm an neither the concept of third world anymore.Now only exists two cause of death:Organic death, for chronic disease, accidents, or old age (low rate).And “the death” of civil identity.

a) +25 years old.
(Because in this age you might have expecienced every basic things, and you are normally suciently mature no make the decision of your own life.)
b) Without chindren under the age of 18
and matrimony.
(Like been single, widowed or divorced)
c) Without poperty.
(Home, car, bank account...)
1. You can request the elimination of identity legally on the condition that you meet the requeriments.2. Notifcation to your family and friends that you have choosen.3. The “funeral”: 7 days of farewell ceremony*, which friends and family will said goodbye to you in the special closed room, but they will be separated of you by a crystal pane.
Every guest will have 30 minutes of privacy with the “deseaced” during those 7 days, maybe making some confession, the last conversation, or only looking to each other.
*During those 7 the deseaced can cancel this service, but in case of another request of the same person who canceled once, the person must pay a penalty fee.This act was inspired from Marina Abramovic's performance “The artist is present”.4. And the association will take responsibility of the rest afer those 7 days.


Animation project with simple shapes. The idea was expressing that planning a trip is so simple with LEVEL, a low cost airline.Special thanks to:
Alex Verdú (animator) and
Claudia K. Schreiber (voice).
Vimeo profile


My name is Yating Hu, but people have called me: Yaling, Yuating, Yating Ha, Yating Yu...I have adquire occidental education at the same time I practice some chinese tradition: speaking mandarin chinese, eating with chopsticks (althought not very agile), drinking the magic soup of my grandma...


I discovered the world of design in BAU, where I met brilliant teachers and talented classmates.I'm an experimentation lover, I like all new experience and having questions.I'm just a strange girl.Contact mail: [email protected]